Gold Star Graduates
The plaques on this wall honor the Canoga graduates who lost their lives in World War 2, Korea, Vietnam, and Operation Iraqi Freedom. It was first unveiled in November 1958.
Canoga graduate Robin Annis lost his life in the Vietnam War. The following was written by his sister:
He was an actor. He was an only son. He was an only sibling. He loved to read Shakespeare and John Steinbeck. His nickname was "Hook" because he loved the story of Peter Pan. He hated guns.
Robin was my brother. I was only 16 when we were told that he had been killed... it was on Good Friday. I never got the chance to know him as a man, but remember him as a wonderful and loving brother. I miss him very much, and although it has been over 30 years since his death, I am now just beginning to come to terms with this.
Perhaps you knew him... perhaps you didn't. Either way, don't forget him. He is more than just a name on the wall... he was Robin... my brother.
Melody Lark Annis
May 3, 2000
James K. Baker W '50 |
Daniel Boucher S '41 |
Robert R. Brackett W '37 |
Howard Chivvis S '48 |
James Coffey W '50 |
Russell Convirs W '37 |
Norvin Craig S '38 |
Otis Daniely S '51 |
John Dudley W '49 |
Robert Dykeman S '38 |
Gerald Fields W '45 |
Gerald Fluhrer S '42 |
Alex Franco S '49 |
Albert Grajeda S '41 |
William Gray W '40 |
Allen Hassen S '39 |
Burton Hoskins S '38 |
Fred Huntsinger W '35 |
Laverne Karr S '40 |
Edwin Knapp S '42 |
Brandon Lacy S '37 |
Louis Leeson W '36 |
David Parkhurst W '48 |
Charles Pogue W '48 |
Joseph Quaresma S '49 |
John Rowe S '43 |
Robert Russell S '42 |
Kenneth Staddon S '41 |
Byron Stenen W '42 |
Parker Stevens S '33 |
Bill Talbot W '43 |
George Vanderloop S '47 |
Don Wennerholm W '44 |
Robert Westminster S '51 |
William Amspacher W '62 |
Robin Annis S '66 |
James Lega S '67 |
Richard Rumley S '65 |
Michael Thomas S '67 |
Richard Yanchuk S '66 |
Art "Skip" Bedal W'56 |
Fred Kenney W'63 |
Bruce Teague W'67 |
Laura Berwager '99 |