Pierce College Dual/Concurrent Courses
Canoga Park High School proudly offers college courses on campus during the school day and after school. Dual enrollment = College courses taken during the school day built into the students schedule. Concurrent= Colleges courses taken after school on the CPHS campus. Students must speak with the Academic counselor if they wish to take dual enrollment classes so that their schedules can be made to accommodate this. When a student successfully passes a college course, they can receive transferable college credit. BE ADVISED THAT STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING FOR TEXTBOOKS & ANY MATERIALS THE PROFESSORS REWQUEST WHEN TAKING A CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT CLASS. The Dual enrollment textbooks are issued by the school for students to borrow.
If interested in taking a Pierce College class you must do the following (IMMEDIATELY before Pierce schedule begins) : 1- Create a Pierce College account to receive a Pierce Student ID (Refer to the Pierce Application Workshop Presentation attached below) 2- Login to your Pierce College Account and apply for the term that you would like to take the course (Ex. Spring2021 application) 3- Complete the NEW Online K-12 Form form. Instructions have been provided via a YouTube tutorial in the "Links" section of the College Center webpage. You will need your Pierce ID starting with 900XXXXXX. REMINDER: See attached PowerPoint below which will show you how to create an account and apply on the Pierce College website. Go to Pierce College Website to check the course schedule for the semester that you would like to take a class. https://www.piercecollege.edu/ |