Mid Year Reports: I’m getting messages that I have to send a mid-year report (7th semester transcripts), what do I do? The college counselor will upload your mid year reports automatically through the Common Application and SENDedu when the second semester class rank and GPA are available about the end of January. You will not have to send in a form. If you did not use these sites, check your CSU portals. If you receive a message from a CSU asking for transcripts, complete a Mid Year Transcript request form and return to college counselor. See the Transcript page for the form. DO NOT SEND TRANSCRIPTS UNLESS A COLLEGE IS REQUESTING IT. I’m dropping a class but I already reported it to the colleges, what do I do? I failed a class, do I have to report it? Colleges want to know the changes you have made after you submitted your applications, including information about a D or an F grade. You need to submit that information to the colleges, usually by email or mail. Each school may have different methods so check their website or contact admissions first and ask how they would like that information.
Who signs my Cal Grant form? You Cal Grant GPA has already been submitted electronically so you do not need to send in the form. All you have to do is file the FAFSA.
When does the Pierce College Rep visit? The Pierce Rep visits every week on Monday 9am- noon.
When does the LA Valley College Rep visit? LA Valley College Rep visits every other Friday 9-11am. See the College Center Calendar on the Homepage for specific dates.
What are the CSUN Bridge to the Future Requirements? Please see the PowerPoint below which outlines the requirements for the CSUN B2F Program. The B2F FAQ attachment below also goes into further detail.
GPA Explanation LAUSD Official GPA– cumulative GPA of 20th and 40th week grades through 12th grade -20th week. AP classes are augmented .025 per semester, and a few Honors classes are weighted. LAUSD Unweighted GPA- No weighting given to any Honors or AP classes. This question is asked on the Common Application. UC (Capped) GPA- This GPA is for your UC Applications. Some campuses will “cap” the number of AP classes at 8 per semester. UC (Weighted) GPA-The UC Transcript shows a GPA at the bottom that weights all AP grades and some Honors grades. Classes in which the student received a D or F, but has made up the class will show both the original and made up grade. CSU GPA- AP and some Honors classes are weighted. Classes made up because of an original D or F- CSU only counts the grade in the class that was received after the D or F. NCAA GPA-This GPA counts only the classes that are on the NCAA approved list by the district. This list is in the process of being updated at the district level. Financial Aid GPA- The GPA that is electronically sent from LAUSD District Offices to the California Student Aid Commission. Only 10th & 11th grades are included, no PE grades, no JROTC grades, etc. Certain summer school grades are counted -summer after 10th grade and summer after 11th grade. Graduates Financial Aid GPA-Post- Includes the 12th grade classes and is given when a graduate comes back for a GPA. How do I interpret my transcript? See attached PDF below with instructions |