Junior College Checklist
Hey, Juniors! It's time to start planning!
Fall Semester:
- This year is your final year to bring up your academic grade point average for the UC/CSU or select universities. Many universities will use the 10th and 11th grade to calculate your GPA for admissions. Use all resources such as tutoring, extra credit, AVID, the Boys and Girls Club after school program and speak with your teachers for assistance.
- Sign up for university representative visits at the College Career Center during the fall.
- Attend Junior College Night
- Sign up early for SAT/ACT Exams.
- Decide if you want to start an SAT preparation course. The Boys and Girls Club COLLEGE BOUND program offers FREE SAT prep.
- Continue to build your resume with community service, extracurricular activities, sports and/or employment.
- Are you ready for college level English and Mathematics? Visit the following websites to begin to plan your future now! www.csuenglishsuccess.org/ and www.mathsuccess.org/
- Take an interest inventory such as Bridges.com for career exploration or visit www.cacareerzone.com
- Study for your finals!
- Parents may want to begin to familiarize themselves with the financial aid process by visiting websites like www.fafsa.gov and www.finaid.org
- If possible visit universities or open houses at local universities virtually. For more information visit individual college websites.
- Complete assigned Naviance Tasks
- Participate in Career Opportunities Visits hosted by the CCC for continued career exploration. A bulletin announcement will provide instructions on how to participate.
- Continue to study for the SAT/ACT/Subject tests (if required). If you have not already registered, please do so now. Study materials may be found online at www.collegeboard.com or www.act.org. You may also purchase study materials from a bookstore or checkout materials out from the CCC.
- Make an appointment with Mrs. Penman if you have not already done so.
- Start your college essays early! Great site for essay writing tips visit [email protected]
- Visit NACAC Spring College Fair date to be announced visit: www.nacacnet.org To explore majors at the University of California or California State Universities use www.assist.org This is a great tool to use if you want detailed information regarding majors, classes and programs.
- Begin to research or consider summer opportunities such as college courses, study abroad, internships, etc. If you plan to attend a community college over the summer, I would recommend that you apply as early as March. Keep in mind that you have to submit a K-12 form available online or in the CCC to be eligible for free classes. Classes fill FAST at local colleges!!!
- Visit universities over Spring Break virtually!!!
- Sign up to take your AP exams. Universities may give you college credit if you score a 3 or higher. You may visit www.collegeboard.com for minimum scores required at different universities to earn credit.
- Study for your finals!
- Use Junior Pre College Planning Sheet to get a quick start on college applications. Research colleges that offer scholarships or that partner with organization to help assist low income students. QuestBridge is an example of this type of organization www.questbridge.org
- Remember the more research you do the more options you will have.
- Check out scholarship websites for opportunities as soon as possible & listen for bulletin announcements.
- Student athletes who plan to play sports at Division I or II should have started the NCAA forms by the end of their 10th grade. For information visit www.ncaaclearinghouse.net