The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is a standardized test administered by the College Board and cosponsored by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) in the United States. All students are encouraged to take this exam to prepare for the SAT. It is administered to all 10th graders for free in October. The SAT or the ACT are tests that students can take in order to be considered for admission to most four- year colleges or universities. ALL students must check universities websites for SAT/ACT requirements as some schools have changed policies!!!
FREE SAT Prep! Sign up for Khan Academy to take free practice test! You can also upload your PSAT results and Khan will correct it for you and provide you with practice questions for the questions you missed!!! How to Create a College Board Account: How to Link Your College Board Account + Khan Academy Accounts:
FEE WAIVER INFORMATION: In order to get a fee waiver for the PSAT, YOU MUST BE APPROVED for the free or reduced lunch program. You must complete a lunch application EACH year in order to be on the list. If you are not on the lunch list, you will pay for the exam. NO EXCEPTIONS!!
SAT and ACT INFORMATION: If you send your SAT scores to CSU schools, use 3594 as one of your free options and your scores will be automatically sent to all CSUs. You cannot use this code to send ACT scores. You can send your ACT score to CSU Manager and then go back onto CSU Mentor and send it (“manage it”) to other CSU schools. You can send your ACT or SAT scores to just one UC school and it will forwarded to all UC schools you applied to.
PSAT/NMSQT – Want to know to understand your scores click on the video down below! Why should I create a college board account? Step by step video on how to create a College Board account.
INTERPRETING SCORES: The Higher, the Better The national average for the new SAT is 1100. For the ACT, it's between 20 and 21. If you are close to these averages you will likely be accepted into a considerable number of colleges and universities (as long as you have decent grades), but may not be considered at more selective schools. Above average SAT/ACT scores will improve your chances of getting into a more selective school. Scores below an 1100 on the SAT or a 15 on ACT are considered low at just about any four-year college. You can overcome low scores with good grades or an outstanding application. But even if you're accepted by a four-year college, the school may advise or require you to take some remedial courses as a freshman. Not sure where you stand? Most colleges publish admission data regarding the previous year's freshman class. Check out the range of scores.
ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT: Unless you pulled in a perfect 2400 or 36, you can always improve your score. Some students are confident that their numbers are high enough to get them into the college of their choice. But unless you're an honorary member of the admissions committee, you never know. A good SAT score or ACT score can also help you snag additional scholarship money. Even if you have already been accepted to a college, you may want to consider taking the test again (say, in December or January of senior year) for that reason.
SENDING TEST SCORES TO COLLEGES: It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to send your test scores to colleges, NOT CPHS. Colleges require that official test results be sent directly to them from the testing agency; neither student nor school copies of test score are generally acceptable. CPHS doesn't place test results on transcripts. You are strongly recommended to send all your test scores to colleges (SAT, ACT, Subject Tests, because admission committees are truly looking for your best scores, however that is determined by them (best combination of individual sections or best single sitting) SCORE REPORT FEES:
Is there a fee to send ACT scores to colleges? Scores can be sent to up to 4 colleges for free, but you must list them at the time you register for the test. If you do not know where you will be applying, list 4 colleges you are likely to apply to. For additional schools beyond those 4, there is a fee.
Is there a fee to send SAT scores to colleges? Scores can be sent to up to 8 colleges for free: 4 at the time of the test (for all students) 4 at a later date (if you used a fee waiver) To get maximum free score reports, you must list 4 colleges when you register for the test. List 4 colleges you are likely to apply to. Four additional score reports can be sent at a later date. For more than 8 schools, there is a fee.
SAT score reports are inclusive, meaning they will include all the scores you specifically request be sent to a college in one report. The first 4 reports are free (plus an additional 4 if you used a fee waiver) when ordered by the test date or within 9 days after test dates (this is the 2nd Monday after the Saturday test). Additional score reports cost an additional fee per college/program. Do this online.
*If you send to ONE UC--all will receive them! (No need to send them to all) *For CSU's use code 3594- this code will allow them to share test scores with ALL CSU's. (Use this code first as one of your 4 waived campuses to avoid having to pay for multiple campuses!) |