Step One: iFieldtrip- All Field trips, including Overnight trips WITH STUDENTS
- Calendar Request Form (both sides of green form must be compelted, include funding and bus information)- Must be approved by Nidia Castro
- Start ifieldtrip:
- Student Field Trip Slips
- Complete this new Nurse's form and return to Nurse to approve students (without this step, trip will not be approved)
- Overnight trip Hotel Room Arrangement Document
- Itinerary
- Flyer/ Brochure
- If you are traveling to a conference (no students), please refer to the Concur travel site (see Section C, below).
*** Note there may be additional paperwork asked of you by ifield trip if you do hiking, camping or other ****
Additional Documents- As needed
- Transportation waiver
- If driving Students:
- Picture ID
- Car Insurance
- K and K Insurance
- Request of Insurance
Step Two: District Paperwork for Funding
Topics: :
- Purpose of Travel
- Planning
- Funding Considerations
- Obtain Estimates
- Determine Payment Methods
- Per Diem
- Timeline
- Requesting Approval
- Purpose of Travel
You will start with creating a justification letter for your trip. Answer the questions below:
- How does the conference attendance lead directly to the professional or technical growth of the individual and to the improvement of the District programs?
- How does the conference topics and focus areas align to the Strategic Plan?
- List of the attendees, titles and roles (indicate if the attendees are presenting)
○ If attendees are presenting, indicate the objectives and outcomes of the presentation
○ If attendees are attending, what are the plans to share information from the conference
- Additional information explaining the necessity of travel:
○ Rationale for a large number of attendees (ie. substitute coverage, funding, costs)
○ Rationale for selecting a conference that is further when a similar conference is offered locally.
Fillable Justification Letter- Please make copy
B. Planning
Travel Time:
- Travel time is only one day prior to the event.
- Brochure/ Flyer for the event.
- Hotel
- $300 per night including taxes and fees
- Anything over $300 a night will be employees responsibility
- Use expedia or booking- Select Reserve now, pay later
C. Funding Considerations
- If taking students, must complete iFieldtrip (no need for Concur).
- Professional Development and Conference Attendance, do Concur, no iFieldtrip.
- Visit, log in to your employee self service page.
- Click on Travel Management, this will take you to Concur. You will be able to submit a travel request.
- Upon completion, click on your icon, then profile settings.
- Click on Expense delegates.Click ADD (a delegate). Add Leslie Delgadillo email ([email protected]), check all boxes as applicable, then submit request.
D. Obtain Estimates, E. Determine Payment Funds, F. Per Diem
- Fill out the For
- Travel
- Local within 45 miles
- In State anything beyond 45 miles
- Milage can be requested if you are driving your own car, attach map for travel time, milage should be round trip.
- If renting a car, you may request gas, keep receipts
- Canoga’s Cost Center Number is 185101 Job Class Code: 0829
- Make sure you select the correct Trip type:
- Per Diem or expenses
- You can ask for per diem, this is if no meals are offered at the event, no receipts needed.
- Substitute should be added if you are missing school days, check off District paid
- Signatures: Sign for yourself under Traveler, and get Ms. Castro's signature.
- Any other questions ask at the main office for assistance.
G. Timeline
- All request paperwork, with signatures must be submitted at least 20 business days prior to the event for local and in-state travel. At least 30 business days prior to the event for out-of-state and international travel.
H. Requesting Approval
Submitting paperwork to get funding for a conference or event.
- Collect All Supporting Documents
- Form 10.12.1
- Travel Freeze Form
- Flyer/ Brochure
- Justification Page
- Ifield Trip Approval (Send if you have the approval if not still send)
- Map of destination if driving and asking for mileage.
- Transmittal form
- Once all documents are collected and signed, send to
- [email protected] and [email protected]
- Cc’d Mr. Ward ([email protected])
Must be submitted 20 days before for local and 30 for out of state.
You will receive approval documents called ATRN for your trips reimbursement or payment.
Step Three: Reimbursement
Once you come back for your trip please fill out the following:
- You fill must fill out Travel Expense Claim Form
- Send the document filled out to [email protected] with any supporting documents such as receipts (no receipt if needed.