Teachers Only » Teachers Only

Teachers Only

This page contains reference information for teachers of Canoga Park High School.

To see the Staff Directory of teachers, please click HERE.





You can download a copy of these instructions by clicking HERE and then click download.

*All Forms must be submitted 20 calendar days prior to trip,

30 calendar days prior if out of State*

Step One: iFieldtrip- All Field trips, including Overnight trips WITH STUDENTS

  1. Calendar Request Form (both sides of green form must be compelted, include funding and bus information)- Must be approved by Nidia Castro
  2. Start ifieldtrip: ifieldtrip.lausd.net
    1. Student Field Trip Slips
    2. Complete this new Nurse's form and return to Nurse to approve students (without this step, trip will not be approved)
    3. Overnight trip Hotel Room Arrangement Document
    4. Itinerary 
    5. Flyer/ Brochure
  3. If you are traveling to a conference (no students), please refer to the Concur travel site (see Section C, below).


*** Note there may be additional paperwork asked of you by ifield trip if you do hiking, camping or other ****


Additional Documents- As needed

  1. Transportation waiver
  2. If driving Students:     
    1. Picture ID
    2. Car Insurance
  3. K and K Insurance
  4. Request of Insurance 


Step Two: District Paperwork for Funding

Topics: :

  1. Purpose of Travel
  2. Planning
  3. Funding Considerations
  4. Obtain Estimates
  5. Determine Payment Methods
  6. Per Diem
  7. Timeline
  8. Requesting Approval
  1. Purpose of Travel    

You will start with creating a justification letter for your trip. Answer the questions below:

  1.  How does the conference attendance lead directly to the professional or technical growth of the individual and to the improvement of the District programs?
  2. How does the conference topics and focus areas align to the Strategic Plan?
  3. List of the attendees, titles and roles (indicate if the attendees are presenting)

      ○ If attendees are presenting, indicate the objectives and outcomes of the presentation

      ○ If attendees are attending, what are the plans to share information from the conference

  1. Additional information explaining the necessity of travel:

      ○ Rationale for a large number of attendees (ie. substitute coverage, funding, costs)

      ○ Rationale for selecting a conference that is further when a similar conference is offered locally.

Fillable Justification Letter- Please make copy

B. Planning

Travel Time:

  1. Travel time is only one day prior to the event.
  2. Brochure/ Flyer for the event.
  3. Hotel
    1. $300 per night including taxes and fees
    2. Anything over $300 a night will be employees responsibility
    3. Use expedia or booking- Select Reserve now, pay later

C. Funding Considerations

  1. If taking students, must complete iFieldtrip (no need for Concur).
  2. Professional Development and Conference Attendance, do Concur, no iFieldtrip.
    1. Visit http://ess.lausd.net/go, log in to your employee self service page.
    2. Click on Travel Management, this will take you to Concur. You will be able to submit a travel request.
    3. Upon completion, click on your icon, then profile settings.
    4. Click on Expense delegates.Click ADD (a delegate). Add Leslie Delgadillo email ([email protected]), check all boxes as applicable, then submit request.

D. Obtain Estimates, E. Determine Payment Funds, F. Per Diem

  1. Fill out the For
    1. Travel
      1. Local within 45 miles
      2. In State anything beyond 45 miles
      3. Milage can be requested if you are driving your own car, attach map for travel time, milage should be round trip.
      4. If renting a car, you may request gas, keep receipts
    2. Canoga’s Cost Center Number is 185101 Job Class Code: 0829
    1. Make sure you select the correct Trip type:
  2. Per Diem or expenses
    1. You can ask for per diem, this is if no meals are offered at the event, no receipts needed.
    2. Substitute should be added if you are missing school days, check off District paid
  3. Signatures: Sign for yourself under Traveler, and get Ms. Castro's signature.
  4. Any other questions ask at the main office for assistance.

G. Timeline

  1. All request paperwork, with signatures must be submitted at least 20 business days prior to the event for local and in-state travel. At least 30 business days prior to the event for out-of-state and international travel.

H. Requesting Approval

Submitting paperwork to get funding for a conference or event.

  1. Collect All Supporting Documents
    1. Form 10.12.1
    2. Travel Freeze Form
    3. Flyer/ Brochure
    4. Justification Page
    5. Ifield Trip Approval (Send if you have the approval if not still send) 
    6. Map of destination if driving and asking for mileage.
    7. Transmittal form
  2. Once all documents are collected and signed, send to
    1. [email protected] and [email protected]
    2. Cc’d Mr. Ward ([email protected])

Must be submitted 20 days before for local and 30 for out of state.


You will receive approval documents called ATRN for your trips reimbursement or payment.


Step Three: Reimbursement

Once you come back for your trip please fill out the following:

  1. You fill must fill out Travel Expense Claim Form
  2.  Send the document filled out to [email protected] with any supporting documents such as receipts (no receipt  if needed.