A quality education requires a young person to meet the responsibility of being a student; therefore, each young person needs to attend school regularly and follow school rules conscientiously. Listed below are some infractions of school rules. Penalties can vary depending upon individual records.
- Irregular attendance including tardies or class cuts
- Returning from an absence and going to class without obtaining a PRC
- Leaving during the school day (lunch, brunch) without a pass to leave early from the attendance office
- Remaining on campus when assigned classes have ended, particularly Home Study and Work Experience Students
- Having visitors on campus without a visitor's pass
- Classroom disturbances (actions or appearance)
- Having radios, tape recorders, stereos, using skates skateboards/bicycles or using pagers, cell phones, football/basketballs on campus, or the front of school
- Entering car or bicycle parking areas
- Parking illegally - in staff lots, areas not marked for student parking or fire areas
- Using profanity in the presence of an adult or a student
- Destroying or defacing property or equipment - books, desks, walls including graffiti
- Verbally or physically assaulting other students
- Smoking on or near campus
- Cheating in class - crib notes, plagiarism, obtaining class tests Using or producing forged documents - parental notes, progress reports, readmit slips
- Conducting illegal transactions- buying or selling meal tickets, or official school forms
- Being involved in any criminal activity - theft, possession or use of weapons, drugs or alcohol of any type on campus or at school activities
- Wearing gang related clothing paraphernalia CPHS hats only Students must identify themselves when requested to.
- Students must carry student I.D. cards on their person while at school or at school activities.a